The disaggregated, networked and open future of education for sustainable development


To address societal change, the authors highlight the need to incorporate new cross-cutting digital and physical spaces for learning – in and outside formal education systems – by embedding the concept of openness. They argue that this cannot be done without revisiting the global knowledge infrastructure.

Humanistic future of learning. Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN networks

Kalz, M., Schophuizen, M. & Türkeli, S. (2020). The disaggregated, networked and open future of education for sustainable development, In: UNESCO (Eds).), Humanistic future of learning. Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN networks (S.113-116) (1. Edition). Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Marco Kalz
Marco Kalz
Professor of Educational Technology

My research interests is on open education, pervasive technologies and formative assessment to support (lifelong) learning and knowledge construction.
