Retraction of a plagiarised edtech book. The final chapter.

This is hopefully the last chapter of a series of activities I have started nearly one year ago. I had reported a case of AI-supported plagiarism in a book on learning analytics which has been published in German last year (see original post here).

A plagiarised edtech book and nobody cares

Some of my regular readers might remember that I have reported a case of AI-supported plagiarism in a book on learning analytics which has been published in German last year see original post here.

Brauchen wir KI-Kompetenzen? Implikationen von Künstlicher Intelligenz für das Lernen und Lehren an Hochschulen

Brauchen wir KI-Kompetenzen? Implikationen von Künstlicher Intelligenz für das Lernen und Lehren an Hochschulen.

Invited presentation RPTU Kaiserlautern-Landau

KI in der Hochschullehre: Vom stochastischen Papagei zum allwissenden Lernbegleiter?

Während Künstliche Intelligenz schon seit 20 Jahren in Lehr- und Lernkontexten experimentell erforscht wird, hat die Veröffentlichung von sog. Large Language Models zu einer regelrechten öffentlichen Experimentierolympiade geführt, in denen Lehrende …

Impact of AI on digital literacy in teacher education: Implications of a changing digital environment.

The integration of digital skills and media education is considered as a challenge for curriculum development and teaching practice of teacher education. In Germany, approximately 30% of the teacher education programs have not yet introduced a …

AI destroys principles of authorship. A scary case from educational technology publishing.

I have long waited before I share a special case of AI generated publishing in the field of educational technology which needs a public reflection and review. Approximately 3 months ago, I have received a citation alert which made me curious.

Uncontrollable GOLLEM-AI and the total decoding and synthesizing of reality

You have read that I am criticizing the discourse on AI here in the last weeks and I have made a call for regulation of AI in education. But I have really underestimated the potential harmful effects which are coming through the uncontrolled release of Generative Large Language Multi-Modal Models (GOLLEMS).

Why AI-based tools are never neutral

„ChatGPT itself is a neutral tool, and how it is used depends on the intentions of those who use it.“ (Cohen, 2023). This messages is commmunicated by the US-based Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) to its 125 000 members (estimaton) regarding an AI-based tool which is currently pushing the discourse on AI in education.