INTERACT EUROPE: Innovative collaboration for Inter-specialty cancer training across Europe(funded via the EU Health Programme by the European Commission), July 2022 – November 2023, Budget: 2.6 Mio EUR (170,826.80 EUR acquired for own institution)

INTERACT-EUROPE is an 18-month project (July 2022 - November 2023) co-funded by the EU under the EU4Health programme 2021-2027 as part of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. INTERACT-EUROPE brings together 33 partners from 17 countries aiming at developing a European inter-specialty cancer training programme involving all main oncology disciplines and professions, cancer centres and patient groups, based on relevant needs assessments.

Marco Kalz
Marco Kalz
Professor of Educational Technology

My research interests is on open education, pervasive technologies and formative assessment to support (lifelong) learning and knowledge construction.
