
KI in der Hochschullehre: Vom stochastischen Papagei zum allwissenden Lernbegleiter?

Während Künstliche Intelligenz schon seit 20 Jahren in Lehr- und Lernkontexten experimentell erforscht wird, hat die Veröffentlichung von sog. Large Language Models zu einer regelrechten öffentlichen Experimentierolympiade geführt, in denen Lehrende …

Impact of AI on digital literacy in teacher education: Implications of a changing digital environment.

The integration of digital skills and media education is considered as a challenge for curriculum development and teaching practice of teacher education. In Germany, approximately 30% of the teacher education programs have not yet introduced a …

Peer Feedback: Brücke zu einer neuen Feedback- und Beurteilungskultur in der Hochschullehre?

2022 forderte der Wissenschaftsrat die Etablierung einer neuen Prüfungskultur an Hochschulen. Jedoch sind steigende Studierendenzahlen für Lehrende eine große Herausforderung, um individuelle Lernprozesse zu unterstützen. Das Format des …

Learning in the digital society. Effects and unintended consequences of mainstreaming of technology-enhanced learning

Kalz, M. (2019). Learning in the digital society. Effects and unintended consequences of mainstreaming of technology-enhanced learning. Invited keynote at the annual CHAIS conference of the Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies at the Open University of Israel.

Challenges of realising scalable open education with (peer) feedback

Kalz, M. (2019). Challenges of realising scalable open education with (peer) feedback. Invited keynote at the Open HPI Forum, 28. November 2019, HPI Potsdam, Germany.

Who let the drop out?

Kalz, M. (2015). Who let the drop out? Invited keynote at the EADTU Conference on Online, open and flexible higher education, 29. October 2015, Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany.