Mobiles Lernen im Zeitalter der Mobilität und Postdigitalität

In diesem Kapitel widmen wir uns dem mobilen Lernen aus der Perspektive der Mobilität und Postdigitalität. Auf der Basis eines historischen Abrisses der verschiedenen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsströmungen des Feldes stellen die Autor:innen einige …

A Thematic Analysis of Factors Influencing Student’s Peer-Feedback Orientation

Providing and receiving feedback requires a certain openness in individuals which is referred to as feedback orientation. Although this openness is also required in peer-feedback processes personal factors that influence student’s openness (i.e. …

Open Education as Social Movement? Between Evidence-Based Research and Activism

This chapter analyzes open education initiatives through the lens of social movement theory. Open education is introduced as a field with multiple dimensions, activities, and perspectives. Social movement theory is used to discuss along the …

The disaggregated, networked and open future of education for sustainable development

To address societal change, the authors highlight the need to incorporate new cross-cutting digital and physical spaces for learning – in and outside formal education systems – by embedding the concept of openness. They argue that this cannot be done …