Erneuerung der Hochschule von Außen nach Innen oder umgekehrt? Kritische Diskussion und Alternativen zur Future Skills-Bewegung

Wissenschaft lebt von der gegenseitigen Kritik und vom Wettstreit wie auch von der Weiterent-wicklung vorgebrachter Argumente, die mit Theorie und Begründung und/oder mit Empirie und Evidenz arbeiten. Die kontroverse Ausei-nandersetzung zu den …

General Problem-solving Skills Can be Enhanced by Short-time Use of Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

Future students are confronted with a complex world that demands the ability to solve problems in unstructured, undefined, and unfamiliar situations. The aim of the present study was to investigate the development of problem-solving skills through …

Zurück in die Zukunft? Eine literaturbasierte Kritik der Zukunftskompetenzen

Das Konzept der Zukunftskompetenzen wird aktuell für Hochschulen als eine Option gesehen, um Studierende besser auf eine ungewisse Zukunft vorzubereiten und diese zu Problemlösern der Zukunft auszubilden. Dabei verwundert es, dass das Konzept den …

Students’feedback literacy in higher education: an initial scale validation study

Given the crucial role of feedback in supporting learning in higher education, understanding the factors influencing feedback effectiveness is imperative. Student feedback literacy, that is, the set of attitudes and abilities to make sense of …

A data-driven approach for the identification of features for automated feedback on academic essays

For predicting and improving the quality of essays, text analytic metrics (surface, syntactic, morphological and se- mantic features) can be used to provide formative feedback to the students in higher education. In this study, the goal was to …

An inter-specialty cancer training programme curriculum for Europe

Introduction Multidisciplinary and multi-professional collaboration is vital in providing better outcomes for patients The aim of the INTERACT-EUROPE Project (Wide Ranging Cooperation and Cutting Edge Innovation As A Response To Cancer Training …

How well does teacher education prepare for teaching with technology? A TPACK-based investigation at a university of education

Past research has identified deficits in knowledge of student teachers regarding integration of technology in teaching leading to a need to investigate the efficacy of teacher training initiatives. There is a gap in understanding of developmental …

Technology-Enhanced Learning in the Education of Oncology Medical Professionals: A Systematic Literature Review.

As cancer continues to be a significant global health challenge, the education of oncology professionals plays a crucial role in providing quality cancer care and achieving optimal patient outcomes. In order to meet the growing need for flexible, …

GamiTool: Supporting Instructors in the Gamification of MOOCs

Reward-based gamification strategies are proposed as a promising technique to increase student engagement in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), following its success in other small-scale educational settings. However, these strategies imply a …

Enabling educational innovation through complexity leadership? Perspectives from four Dutch universities

Leadership in higher can influence the structurally embedding of educational technologies in higher education institutions. However, HEIs are complex pluralistic organizational environments with loosely coupled systems, diffused power and goal …