In diesem Kapitel widmen wir uns dem mobilen Lernen aus der Perspektive der Mobilität und Postdigitalität. Auf der Basis eines historischen Abrisses der verschiedenen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsströmungen des Feldes stellen die Autor:innen einige …
Providing and receiving feedback requires a certain openness in individuals which is referred to as feedback orientation. Although this openness is also required in peer-feedback processes personal factors that influence student’s openness (i.e. …
This chapter analyzes open education initiatives through the lens of social movement theory. Open education is introduced as a field with multiple dimensions, activities, and perspectives. Social movement theory is used to discuss along the …
To address societal change, the authors highlight the need to incorporate new cross-cutting digital and physical spaces for learning – in and outside formal education systems – by embedding the concept of openness. They argue that this cannot be done …