journal articles

Massive Open Online Education for Environmental Activism: The Worldwide Problem of Marine Litter

The amount of plastic discharges in the environment has drastically increased in the last decades negatively affecting aquatic ecosystems, societies, and the world economy. The policies initiated to deal with this problem are insufficient and there …

Valuing technology-enhanced academic conferences for continuing professional development. A systematic literature review

This review presents a systematic search for and analysis of the state of the art concerning research (1993–2018) on technology-enhanced conferences for academics’ professional development. Fifty-nine scientific publications were included in the …

Educational innovation projects in Dutch higher education: bottom-up contextual coping to deal with organizational challenges

Understanding the process of initiation, design, implementation and embedding of educational innovations in higher education is necessary to develop better strategies for sustainable, large-scale educational innovation. Often early initiated …

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Europe

Technology enhanced learning (TEL) research connects Learning Sciences, Educational Psychology, and Computer Science, in order to investigate interventions based on digital technologies in education and training settings. In this paper, we argue that …

The cathedral’s ivory tower and the open education bazaar – catalyzing innovation in the higher education sector

Will open education replace traditional higher education, or augment it? Digital innovation in the higher education sector is fuelling speculation about the transformation of higher education and the future role of universities. Much of the …

Factors influencing the pursuit of personal learning goals in MOOCs

MOOCs are promising opportunities for lifelong learning, but as promising as these learning opportunities seem, many learners do not succeed in pursuing their personal learning goals. Barriers to learning are the main reason for not finishing the …

An empirical investigation of the antecedents of learner-centered outcome measures in MOOCs

This research revealed the antecedes of two learner-centered outcome measures of success in massive open online courses (MOOCs): learner satisfaction and learner intention-fulfillment. Previous studies used success criteria from formal education …

MoocCast: evaluating mobile-screencast for online courses

The progressive adoption of smartphones and interconnected devices is inspiring students to redesign their physical spaces toward a seamless shift between daily life and learning activities. In the last years, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) …

Who is taking MOOCs for teachers’ professional development on the use of ICT? A cross-sectional study from Spain

Research on the use of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for teacher professional development (TPD) and the characteristics of their participants is scarce. This article presents a case of a MOOC initiative supported by the Spanish Ministry of …

A review of the types of mobile activities in mobile inquiry-based learning

Inquiry-based Learning is increasingly suggested as an efficient approach for fostering learners' curiosity and motivation. It helps learners to develop their ability to work in complex and unpredictable environments making them more critical …